Friday 29 February 2008


These two images represent how society's views on sex and infidelity has changed. Image one is of the cover of the classic film 'brief encounter'. A film about two married people who thought they were happy until they met each other.They start out innocent however turn into a love affair.The second image of a book called 'brief encounters' Tis book is less romanitc and is about casual sex. Is it worse for a partner to fall in love with someone else?or if you find out they have been having casual sex?are they both as bad as each other?
I don't think that you can argue that infidelity is 100% totally bad and wrong, im know people that have cheated on their partners and understand that it isn't always as clear cut as that and that there are two sides (or more) to every story. In addition there are different forms of infidelity. You have the one night standers and the long term affairs, which one is worse?
Some argue that they are in an unhappy relationships. For example, in the guardian article there is the story of a mnarried man that has not had sex in ten years due to the birth of his second child. His wife will not go to seek counselling with him and doesn't really seem to care. He has not cheated due to fear of losing his children if his wife ever found out.
In contrast to this, a married man statesd that he simply wasn't happy any more and fell out of love so had an affair. In this case i think he should have discussed his feelings to his wife or leave.However i am only 2o years old and never been married so never been in these situations. I am however in a long term relationship and never cheated (or been cheated on that i know of!), no matter how drunk iv'e been like some people use for an excuse!Sometimes all it takes is a little self control!and thought!Infidelity is tricky to label as totally bad as it depends on personal experiences, circumstances, what if the wife of the married man rather he had sex with someone else so she didn't have to, or maybe she's having an affair herself!you never know! is a link towebsite that hooks people up who want to have affairs. Is it a site that provides a needed service or simply a reflection of todays morals and people making arofit out of wrecking relationships!

1 comment:

Danni said...

I think you’re right in saying that there are different reasons why people cheat; I suppose it’s just individual differences. If the partner can accept these reasons does that make it bad? Like you say, I suppose you can’t make a definite opinion until you’re married yourself. The guy whose wife won’t have sex is just using it as an excuse. You can’t use infidelity as a substitute for talking things through in a marriage. He could easily have explained this to his wife and tried to resolve it, now he’s been unfaithful he’s probably just made it a lot worse! He’s lying to his wife and himself by trying to condone it in this way.