Friday 14 March 2008

Clockwork orange is a book from the literary text list. I had watched the film but had not read the book until now. Personally i think the book is better due to the glossary of words and the review at the beginning of the book.

"Is it better for a man to be bad than have to be conditioned to be good."It is argued that in his novel Burgess defends the human rights of the 'disturbed' character Alex rather than glamourising his crimes, especially when the film was made. Alex aswell as the other characters are excerising their rights to free will, it is their choice to commit murder and rape the same as it is our choice not to. They are aware that they may be punished for doing criminal acts but still do it. This is a reason why the book and film was highly criticised aswell as for the 'shoking' content, espeacially at the time it was published. Ive added this to my 'being bad' blog as i think it can be applied to elements in the module. For example we are aware of dangers and punishment of taking or smuggling drugs but in the first confession lecture people had confessed to both. It all down to personal choice and free will, however this novel is taking it to the extreme as the characters go from deviant' lads being lads' bahaviour due to boredom to serious criminal activity. This is a link to a a polt overview of the novel also the novel itself.

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