Tuesday 11 March 2008


(The caption reads'because the relationship ends when you say it does' incase it was difficult to read!)

Taking an interest in a persons life and reading celebrity interviews to get an isight into their life is one thing. The people that take it too far are stalkers. These are the people that following people, obsessively knowing there timetable of where they are going and ahat they are doing. In celebrity cases alot of the time the stalkers have not even met the people they are stalking!I think these people lose touch with reality,it can be argued that some individuals are mentally ill and must have omething seriously lacking in their lives. However what about the press!They sell their 'exclusive' stories (which i am guilty of reading)and make a profit. But isn't it still stalking!

In cases where ex-partners and family become stalkers i think could be more serious as non-celebrities do not tend to have body guards proytecting us from unwanted attention.

sweetness-light.com/archive/about-stalkers-an... This is a link to mare info on stalkers and the arguably different types of stalkers.

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