Tuesday 8 April 2008

Body Modification

This image is an example of a tongue tatoo and mouth piercings.
When thinking about body modification I only really thought about the obvious ones that I am familiar with such as tatooing and body piercing.Individuals usually do these types of body modification for fashion reasons, artistic/aesthetic and also sexual reasons (such as tongue and genital peircings).These types of modification are now quite acceptable and not seen to be for the rebellious youth.

This image is an example of modification that was being displayed at a Phuket festival!
I had never really thought about the other forms of body modification that was idscussed within the lecture that are really extreme such as foot binding and amputation. These are illegal for a good reason.http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/7/25/221540/674 This link discuses extreme modification and why some individuals do it.
http://wiki.bmezine.com/index.php/Special:Allpages/A This link is to an encyclopedia of different forms of body modification, some you wouldn't really think of!

1 comment:

Rachel Simmonds said...

Hello.I would like to think the whole idea of foot binding and female castration is something that is resigned to the horrible annuls of history but I do think it goes on still in remote areas of the world but how can you explain to a tribe that it is wrong without coming over like some Victorian missionary?Hopefully knowledge will bring enpowerment and stop these barbaric acts.Thanks-Rachel.