Wednesday 16 April 2008

Kids-in relation to bad cinema lecture This is a link to an article that asks the questions are children growing up too fast. I think this question links well to the 'Kids' film as some characters in it are children.

I think that the film 'kids' illustrates the activities that young people are doing in todays society. although it may have been more shocking in 1995 I think that the media,families,schools etc are more aware of what individuals as young as twelve are getting in to. The film does go a little over the top and a bit extreme but this is because it is showing how serious the consequences can be it if you make the wrong choices in life and because it is for entertainment purposes.However i do think that the film is trying to deal with too many issues at once such as drugs, alcohol, rape, underage sex, HIV, violence.

The film had alot of negative criticism, which can be understandable but they need to see that there is a message underlying the film.Sex is the main issues it is dealing with and it showing that no matter how safe you think you are being you cannot be a 100% sure, unprotected sex is not safe, even if it is for the first time as the character 'Jennie' found out. is an article about US HIV positive teenagers and the risks that they are taking. The srticle states that it is US teenagers that are taking more risks! states that in the UK there is still a lack of understanding of HIV.

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