Tuesday 1 April 2008

Portnoys complaint!

I think that the character in this extract takes masturbation to the extreme and is obsessed by it. You cannot deny that he is rather inventive and creative in finding new ways to 'fire his wad!'.

As you read the extract you can begin to understand that he uses masturbation as an outlet to deal with his frustrations.He feels controlled by his family and his mom seems to have an obsessive compulsive disorder herself with healthy eating and cleanliness as she freaks out when she thinks he's ate a hamburger. I do think it is quite a humourous extract but has underlying serious tones as it briefly discusses his religion and the guilt it causes for masturbating.

http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/04/20/reviews/roth-greenfeld.html is a review of the novel and goes in to more detail about the novel.

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