Wednesday 7 May 2008

My final farewell blog!

I am a 21 year old female and am currently studying Social Policy and Social Care.
This module does not link directly to my other modules however this is a good thing as it is adding variety to the course .I think that all topics were appropriate apart from religion, however I did find it the most interesting and I think that 'being bad' is st an appropriate level. . Additional topics could be Swearing and 'Streaking'(nudity/naturism).I think the format of classes worked well however the content for some topics meant that the lecture only lasted for just over an hour which is great for some students however for those that have to travel in the evening for the lecture it seems a bit of a waste!
Overall the module team was really good, but it seemed that some staff put more effort into the lectures than others. For example the lecturer for the infidelity topic put in a lot more work in with additional information and handouts than a few of the others did.Relating to this then is that there could have been a bot more information from some of the lecturers for some of the topics.
I think that it is vital for the module to be inter-disciplinary to enable it to cover the range of topics and I think it is a good idea to have somethink different in your studies.However i do think that one per year is enough as personally i prefer to have routine and structure with my other modules.
I would definatley recommend to a friend!
Blogs are a good idea as people have to research the different topics aswell as to share their opinions. It is good for people that may be too quiet to do so in a lecture.
Assessments?I think that it is good having too short pieces rather than one long as you get to assess two topics rather than one, otherwise people may do the first topic and not turn up for the other lectures!
I learned a lot of stuff for example the body modification and the masturbation topics were not what i expected and rather interesting. I thought that the creative writing and blog workshops were very useful and there wasn't really anything that was a waste of time.
Further Comments?
The module is good as it enables students to develop and share their opinions which is very usefull for the future either and university and society.

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