Friday 2 May 2008


Traditional verses the new 'alternative' religions!

As we could indentify in the lecture, religious beliefs and practices can offend others that may be from a different religion or those that are just not 'into' religion at all. It can make people feel uncomfortable and distressed.
It is argued that today we live in a rather secular society due to science and the emphasis of individuals having the right to choose their own fate. This may be why some religions go to extremes to protect followers from themselves and be tempted by the different 'choices' on offer. Also within religions such as Jehovas Witnesses, they argue against scientific and medical developments such as blood transfusions.
On the other hand, there are many new religions being registered, for example, UFO cult and the celebrity scientology.The more traditional religions argue that these 'alternative' views to religion down play and make a mockery of religion. is the scientology website that discusses what the religion is about. is a link to site that discusses the UFO cult as an alternative religion.
Is too much religion bad?yes it can be if used as a tool to offend, for corruption and terrorism.

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