Tuesday 26 February 2008


Smoking, especially within older generations has been portrayed by the media to be sexy and cool.(as this image highlights)Attitudes have changed now as there are health warnings on ciggerette packets, non-smoking advertisments and readily available information, advice and support for those that want to stop smoking. The information about the effects of passive smoke has also lead to a smoking ban in public areas.The image above is from a T.V advert that informs people how passive smoke can effect children. As a non-smoker I love this ban as I no longer smell of disgusting, manky smoke after a night out!also I used to hate itwhen eating out, although there are smoking and non-smoking sections, smoke travels!smoke doesn't know it has to stay in the smoking section does it, it cant read the notices!I do think it is down to personal choice!People are aware of the warnings so its up to them if they think it has better benefits than disadvantages, and if they want to waste their money!Also, while i'm on this little rant i think more needs to be done in secondary and maybe even primary schools to inform them of the risks of smoking, not just simply tell them its wrong.http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/HealthAndWellBeing/HealthyLiving/DG_4002727 is a government site to inform people of the effects of smoking for yourself aswell as others and how to stop!
http://www.forestonline.org/output/Page1.asp is a link to a pro-smoking site that believes in free choice!Its up to you if you choose to smoke or not!


bad behaviour said...

After reading your blog on smoking, I too am in favour of the smoking ban in public places - for the main reason of my clothes smelling of smoke after entering anywhere where smoking is allowed. I feel strongly that within the education system in secondary school’s especially smoking needs to be portrayed as any other kind of addiction and the children made totally aware of the damage it does too your body and long term future effects, by this it will hopefully prevent them from thinking it is ‘cool’ and taking up smoking as a social activity to ‘fit in’.

Jess said...

I completely disagree that the smoking ban is a positive thing. In an already delicate economic state the government has once again done its best to close down as many pubs, clubs and restaurants as it can. I can understand that you may not want to smell of smoke, but non-smokers also have a choice to avoid places where they know there will be lots of smoke. I think it's disgusting that a person's rights can be taken away from them overnight. What next, is the question people need to be asking?